Your Love Surrounds Me Part 2

As we continue to stand in the River that flows from the throne of my Heavenly Father, I am so glad that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit our comforter to be here with us. He walked in our shoes. He knows how hard it is to live in this human vessel that God created because He did it. Jesus knows how tough it is to be taunted and harassed by the devil because He was. Jesus knows how hard it is to be taunted and harassed by your friends and your family because He was. Jesus knows how hard it was to be alone because He never married. Jesus knows how hard it was to be pursued by everyone, even church leadership and government leadership, Yes, He was. 

In all of this he was yet maintaining that he was going to be peaceful because this is the kind of man he was when he was in human form, a man of peace. Thank you Jesus for everything that you walked through, so you know and we know you know, what we go through every day. You knew we needed someone that would always be there for us, that would stick by us and never let us down, because you knew that everybody at some point will disappoint us. 

You see, Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit Is Here! You too can have a Holy Spirit if you want Him. This is not something that died out with the apostles it is for now. There’s no place in the Bible that says that this has stopped. But if you don’t believe it, then, you will never have it! You see the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and he is not pushy so you must invite Him in your heart and your life. If you’d like to do that you can very simply say:

 Holy Spirit, I invite you to come into my heart and dwell within me all the days of my life. Direct me and teach me about you. Guide me to a mentor who can teach me more about you.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Trust and have faith in the Holy Spirit and He will guide you to the right people to help you in this new experience. Find a bible preaching church that teaches about the Holy Spirit. Trust that still small voice inside you and remember the scripture you heard that states “my sheep know my voice.” I want to answer the question that is probably on your mind or will most likely come up, No you don’t need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to go to heaven. But, you know what, why would you not want to have all of the tools in your tool belt when you go out to a job to work? Being filled with the Holy Spirit is an additional tool that will help you to maintain your walk with the Lord. When we gain the ability to speak in other tongues, as they did in the upper room, it gives us the ability for our spirit to speak to the Lord about things and express emotions that we would not otherwise be able to express to our Lord. When we speak in tongues this allows us to express these deep feelings, in turn frees us up emotionally and we are able to do so much more for Christ. After all that’s what we need to do, for the fields are ripe for harvest, and we have a lot of work to do. Jesus’ wish is that no one would be left behind, so let’s all get to work and tell everyone about the Good news, Jesus is our Salvation. We are at the end of the Church age, time is running out.

By Gary Miller